Sunday, November 1, 2020

MMDA Team Report Cards For 2020

Context is so important to analysis. 

Numbers take on new meaning when presented in such a way that they can be interpreted quickly and accurately. Toward that end, I created a league report card that grades each MMDA team in terms of its proficiency across basic categories of component performance.

Grades were determined by standard deviation Z-scoring and then mapping those scores to the familiar report card grading tiers of A, B, C, D and F. A true grade point average could be developed by weighting each of the categories based on significance, but I elected to keep things simple for the first draft.

The TOTAL column places the same weight on each category, i.e. it's an average, and is more of a sorting tool than accurate portrayal of overall quality.   

Run-Creation Report Card

Mohawk Valley A A- C- A- A B+
Northwest B+ B A B+ B+ B+
Death Valley B+ A- B- C A- B
Brooklyn A- C+ C B+ B+ B
Wilmington B C+ B- B- A- B
California B A B- C C B-
Little Rock B- A+ C+ B+ D+ B-
Northeast C+ C C A B B-
Murrieta C+ A C+ B+ D+ B-
Rochester C C+ B- B+ C+ B-
Rosehill B+ C+ C C- B C+
Spokane B- D+ B- C+ B C+
West Side B- C- A- C+ C- C+
Willamsport B- B- A C D- C+
Goldenrod B D B+ F B C+
Fighting D+ B+ D B C- C
Cape Cod D- C C A- B- C
Elysian Fields D D+ C- C+ B- C
Sudbury C- C- D- C A- C
Georgian Bay F C+ A+ D- D- C-

The listed run-creation categories attempt to capture the spirit of each team's ability to hit for average, hit for power, run, take patient at-bats and make contact.


Run-Prevention Report Card

Spokane A+ A+ A+ A- A A+
Mohawk Valley A- B- B+ B A+ B+
Northeast A- B A- B+ B B+
California A B- A C B B
Death Valley B+ C+ B- B- A B
Fighting B+ B- B+ C B+ B
Rosehill B B B+ A- D+ B
Wilmington B- B- B+ B C- B-
Little Rock C+ B+ C- C+ B+ B-
Rochester C- A- D+ A C B-
West Side B- C B+ A- D+ B-
Elysian Fields C C- C- B A- C+
Northwest C C C A C C+
Willamsport C+ C+ C+ C+ C+ C+
Sudbury C+ B- C D+ B- C+
Brooklyn C C+ C+ C- C C
Goldenrod C C+ C- D+ B C
Cape Cod C C+ C+ C- D+ C
Georgian Bay C B B- D D C
Murrieta F F F D- C- F

The listed run-prevention categories attempt to capture the spirit of each team's ability to limit hits, prevent home runs, convert balls in play into outs, throw strikes and put batters away.

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